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Mobile Marketing Strategies That Will Boost business Engagement and Sales

Mobile Marketing Strategies That Will Boost business Engagement and Sales

Mobile Marketing Strategies That Will Boost business Engagement and Sales

Let’s begin with a Hubspot Joke, which I found interesting:

Why did the marketing couple decide not to get married? – Simple, because they weren’t on the same landing page.

It holds true for business and the customer relationship too. If both are not on the same page, the connection fades away and slowly diminishes. This is why today all business enterprise is into mobile marketing to boost business engagement and sales.

Who could have thought a device of a palm size could help yield desired results. But it’s true with the apt use of mobile marketing strategy it boosts up revenue and ranking in the SEO for sure.

Here is a quick glimpse of a few mobile marketing strategies that you can incorporate into your businesses:

Get local get real

Here you must see that the site is location-based. Much of the customers look for location-based information. Therefore get your site list done on the local web directories. Build up the brand name by various publications in the local newspapers, magazines, chat shows, events, etc.

the more you are amongst the people, customers get familiar with the name, the chances of an increase in sales automatically exhilarates.

Social media and content marketing

Let us get practical. The audience of this day is looking for content even for their daily chores. For instance, a user is looking for ‘how to clean an ink spot on a white shirt?’ Several such questions pop up in the minds of the customer.

It is here that by sponsoring content on the social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, etc. your visibility is more and in turn improvement in the generation of the revenue.

Create responsive website

First things first! The site has to be the top-notch quality content-wise as well as design-wise. Nobody would entertain a clumsy website with too many things cluttered on it.  The website must be able to cater services to smartphones to iOS devices, tablets, and iPads.

Therefore the creation of the site should be such that it responds to the visitors’ behavior. This could mean that the grids, layouts, images, and CSS be created intelligently.


You will find that the engagement and sales have improved with the optimized use of micro-moments. Micro-moments are one-liner questions which are common in everybody’s mind, for instance – ‘what is the capital of Australia?’, ‘How to cook broccoli?’ and so on. Through these, you can win attention from your target audience.

When the viewer gets what it wants, it stays on the page for a longer time, the dwell time is appreciated and so is the ranking.


SMS is a great way of mobile marketing- much of the promotions, events, the launch of a new store, discounts, campaigns, etc. can be sent to the customers via SMS. Customers often fall prey to such marketing tactics.

As it does not need the customers to access the internet but is done offline, you actually can reach a much larger audience.

Currently, every of your customer has a mobile, but it is not necessary that everyone is using all their phones with the internet. So, SMS has a relatively high conversion rate than other ways of mobile marketing at present.

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